
Middle Primary

Miss Simpson and the year 5/6/7/8’s welcome you to our classroom. We are very busy with lots of learning and fun activities.

Students are:

  • Improving their reading skills in Direct Instruction and the Kimberley Schools Project,
  • Enjoying writing in Talk for Writing,
  • Exploring the world in HASS,
  • Experimenting with a variety of materials in Science,
  • Creating impressive projects in Art,
  • Understanding and using different concept for real life in Mathematics through YuMi Deadly Maths,
  • Promoting their culture in LOTE,
  • Further developing skills and being active in Physical Education,
  • Focusing on healthier life styles in Health and
  • Investigating ICT in Technology.

We are enjoying our learning in and out of the classroom, everyday has brought new learning opportunities and experience. Our classroom and community has a wealth of resources and knowledge that each student has full access to.